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Bill Maher Eviscerates The Oscars “Best Picture” Nominees

Real Time host: “Would it kill you once in a while make a movie that doesn't make me want to take a bath with the toaster?”


 | April 14, 2021

Apr 14 2021

Comedian Bill Maher eviscerated Hollywood for making sad movies.

Maher’s critique started with a mild jab (he said the Oscars should change their name to the Debbies, “as in Debbie Downer,”) before going on an extended riff shredding the 2021 nominees for “Best Pictures.”

“You couldn’t have a worse time at the movies if there was an active shooter in the theater,” Maher said during one segment on his April 9 episode of “Real Time with Bill Maher” on HBO. 

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Maher then rattled off the list of 2021 Best Picture nominees (except “Mank”) and summed them up thusly:

Nomadland: “That’s the one about a woman who winds up living in a van after her husband dies of cancer.”

Judas and the Black Messiah: “The FBI kills the leader of the Black Panthers.” 

The Trial of the Chicago 7: “The FBI kills the leader of the Black Panthers again.” 

Promising Young Woman: “Carey Mulligan [avenges] a murderous rapist but then he kills her too.” 

Sound of Metal: “About a musician going deaf.”

The Father: “About an octogenarian descending into dementia.”

Minari: “The story of dirt-poor Korean immigrants in Arkansas who put all their food in a barn, but then grandma has a stroke and burns it down.” 

“Now enjoy the show!” Maher then quipped. “The 2021 Oscars, brought to you by razor blades, Kleenex, and rope. Please welcome our host, the sad emoji.”

RELATED: The Oscars institute new racial, gender quotas to win Best Picture award 

“Look, I don’t have to leave the theater whistling, but would it kill you once in a while make a movie that doesn’t make me want to take a bath with the toaster?” Maher asked. “We all had a rough year; a little escapism would have been appreciated.”

Maher went on to say the Oscars used to be about recognizing good movies, but now the award show is about Hollywood virtue-signaling that they are good people. He also said that instead of providing entertainment, movies make the viewer suffer. 

“It’s not two hours to forget your troubles, it’s traffic school at the Holocaust Museum,” Maher said.  

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“Why do so many liberals have the seeming desire to want to be sad?” Maher asked. “Could it be because being sad allows you to feel like you’re doing something about a problem without actually having to do anything?”

“If your movie is so Woke, how come I’m falling asleep?” 

Watch the full 6-minute segment below:

The Oscars will air April 25 at 8 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time. 

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