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Dave Bautista Wants Sen. Ted Cruz Expelled From Senate

“Guardians of the Galaxy” actor asks followers to sign petition calling for Texas senator’s removal following Capitol riot


 | February 16, 2021

Feb 16 2021

Dave Bautista asked his Twitter followers to sign a petition calling for Sen. Ted Cruz to be expelled from the Senate following the Capitol riot. 

The actor is most well-known for playing the character “Drax” in the “Guardians of the Galaxy” movie franchise.

Sen. Cruz called for an independent commission to audit the election result and he voted against certifying the Electoral College vote, leading to criticism that he is undermining the legitimacy of the election.  

Bautista shared the petition to “Expel Ted Cruz” on Sunday with the message, “This cause is close to my heart – please sign.” 

The poorly worded petition on demands that the senator be expelled for “treason” and accuses him of conspiracy to incite armed insurrection in Washington. It also accuses him of undermining the rule of law, attempted coup, and sedition. 

As of this writing, the online petition has 77,866 digital signatures. 

Cruz defended his vote, telling a local NBC affiliate in Fort Worth that he was debating the issue of electoral integrity in the Senate, which is how issues are supposed to be resolved. He also called for people involved in the riot to be prosecuted.  

“Guardians of the Galaxy” director James Gunn also took aim at Cruz for writing “I do love Doritos” on Twitter. Cruz wrote that in response to a fake CNN correction that was going around Twitter as a joke. In the parody, CNN appeared to have issued a correction to a story that mistook a Doritos chip stuck to the senator’s suit coat for a QAnon pin. 

Gunn wrote: “Okay yeah cool, I like Doritos too, but what about the part where you incited an insurrection by spreading lies you knew were lies & that you’re a traitor to your country @tedcruz, you freakish frog-chlamydia hybrid? #ExpelTedCruz.”

RELATED: “Guardians of the Galaxy director” mocks Space Force 

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